Laser Marking at DoroTEK

an economical alternative

Laser Marking

DoroTEK has modern laser marking systems based on fibre, Nd:YAG and CO2 lasers, which are controlled by powerful software. The existing state of the art technology combined with the extensive know-how of the employees creates the prerequisite to be able to carry out very many tasks from the areas of laser engraving and laser coding. If you would like to test an alternative marking technology and laser marking offers a possible solution, we will be happy to carry out application trials for you. 

Please send us your samples with a description of the task.

Engravings for the Industry

We are active on a large scale for the industrial sector.
Typical tasks are the coding of components and assemblies with article numbers, lot or serial numbers. This can be done in plain text or also via barcodes or 2D codes.
We offer a full service, including the complete logistics of warehousing, part call-offs, data management and dispatch.

Engravings for the advertising trade

We have many years of experience in the laser inscription or laser engraving of promotional items with company logos, company data or also the personalisation of products. Our customers particularly appreciate our flexibility, which is indispensable for the promotional products sector, and the care with which our employees also monitor the quality of the products to be processed.

Individual production and series 

Delivery at short notice 

Our Possibilities

Use of different laser types

Fibre laser
Nd:YAG laser
CO2 laser

Laser marking via different technological effects :

Ink removal
Colour change
Pigment conversion
Pyrolisation of anodised materials
Temper marking of steel
Foaming of plastics

Aesthetically high-quality and durable inscriptions 

Laser markable Materials

  • Metals (steels, iron, brass, etc.)
  • Pure and anodized aluminum
  • Alcan aluminum with
    laser-markable lacquer
  • Powder coated or painted materials
  • All types of plastics
    Composite materials
  • Acrylic glass – Glass – Quartz
  • Ceramics – Marble – Minerals
  • Leather – Rubber
  • Wood – Cardboard – Cardboard

Contents of the laser marking

  • Texts in different fonts
  • Circular texts
  • Personalisation of promotional items
  • Serial numbers
    Barcodes (barcodes)
    2-dimensional codes (matrix codes)
    Patterns – hatchings
    Graphics – Symbols

Modernste Technik im Einsatz: Faserlasersystem e-Solarmark FL Advanced von Solaris Laser S.A.

Materialien und Beschriftungsinhalte

Die Laserbeschriftung ist eine sehr flexible Technologie. Die Frage, ob ein Material mit dem Laser gekennzeichnet werden kann, ist fast immer mit “Ja” zu beantworten. Durch die Verwendung unterschiedlicher Lasertypen und einer großen Parameterauswahl lassen sich fast immer zufriedenstellende Ergebnisse erzielen. Für die Inhalte der Laserbeschriftung lassen sich von vornherein keine Einschränkungen angeben.

Nachfolgend ist eine beispielhafte Übersicht laserbeschrifteter Muster aufgeführt.